Murder the Monsters - An old-school first-person shooter inspired by the legendary game, Doom. You have to kill monsters that are not so easy to put away. Some laughs, some scares, but the old warriors are bound to cause nostalgia for the old days. Also included is the achievement system (achievements) and online table of records. You start the game 100 Health Percentage and 444 bullets in the cartridge. Good luck!



denis 25:04:2013, 23:50

Very good game !!! I immediately remembered the good old Doom )))Very good game !!! I immediately remembered the good old Doom )))Very good game !!! I immediately remembered the good old Doom )))Very good game !!! I immediately remembered the good old Doom )))Very good game !!! I immediately remembered the good old Doom )))Very good game !!! I immediately remembered the good old Doom )))Very good game !!! I immediately remembered the good old Doom )))Very good game !!! I immediately remembered the good old Doom )))Very good game !!! I immediately remembered the good old Doom )))Very good game !!! I immediately remembered the good old Doom )))Very good game !!! I immediately remembered the good old Doom )))Very good game !!! I immediately remembered the good old Doom )))Very good game !!! I immediately remembered the good old Doom )))Very good game !!! I immediately remembered the good old Doom )))Very good game !!! I immediately remembered the good old Doom )))Very good game !!! I immediately remembered the good old Doom )))

rust.hrust 06:11:2011, 01:21

Very good game !!! I immediately remembered the good old Doom )))

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